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Entity & Field Schema

This page provides an overview of the interfaces and types generated based on the specific setup.

Entity Types (without bundles)

For each enabled entity type, a GraphQL type with the same name is generated.

Let's consider the example of enabling the user entity type with its name and created fields. The resulting type would look like this:

type User implements Entity & EntityLinkable {
  created: String
  createdRawField: FieldItemListCreated
  entityTypeId: String!
  id: String
  label: String
  name: String
  nameRawField: FieldItemListString
  uriRelationships: [String]
  url(rel: String): Url
  uuid: String!

Some fields are inherited from the interfaces it implements, such as uuid (from Entity) or url (from EntityLinkable).

Entity Types (with bundles)

If an entity type supports bundles, an interface with the name of the entity type is generated:

interface Node implements Entity & EntityLinkable {
  created: String
  createdRawField: FieldItemListCreated
  entityTypeId: String!
  id: String
  label: String
  langcode: String
  uriRelationships: [String]
  url(rel: String): Url

For each bundle, a type is generated that implements the interface:

type NodePage implements Entity & EntityLinkable & EntityTranslatable & Node {
  # Fields inherited from Entity interface.
  created: String
  createdRawField: FieldItemListCreated
  entityTypeId: String!
  id: String
  label: String
  langcode: String

  # Fields inherited from EntityTranslatable interface.
  translation(fallback: Boolean, langcode: Langcode!): NodePage
  translations: [NodePage]

  # Fields inherited from EntityLinkable interface.
  uriRelationships: [String]
  url(rel: String): Url

  # Bundle-specific fields.
  fieldMediaImage: MediaImage
  fieldMediaImageRawField: FieldItemListEntityReference

Field Types

The schema generates a type for every available field type.

Continuing with our example, where we enabled an entity_reference field, the generated type would be:

type FieldItemListEntityReference implements FieldItemList {
  # Inherited from FieldItemList.
  count: Int!
  entity: Entity
  getString: String!
  isEmpty: Boolean!

  # Type-specific fields.
  first: FieldItemTypeEntityReference
  list: [FieldItemTypeEntityReference]

The type includes default fields inherited from the interface, such as isEmpty or count.

The first and list fields contain the actual field item. A type is generated for each field item type as well:

type FieldItemTypeEntityReference implements FieldItemType {
  entity: Entity
  isEmpty: Boolean!
  targetId: Int

The generated type is not specific to the NodePage entity; it is a generic type used for all entity_reference fields.

Field Values

If we revisit our NodePage type, we can see that the field field_media_image is added twice:

type NodePage implements Entity & EntityLinkable & EntityTranslatable & Node {
  fieldMediaImage: MediaImage
  fieldMediaImageRawField: FieldItemListEntityReference

For each entity field, there is an additional field with the rawField suffix. It always contains a type that implements FieldItemList.

However, accessing the "real" value can become tedious, such as fieldMediaImage.list.[0].entity.label. To simplify this, a value field is provided that attempts to resolve a useful value.

In the case of the entity_reference field, the resolved value is the referenced entity. The schema generator also tries to determine the type. If the field allows only a single target bundle, the type will be that exact bundle (e.g., MediaImage). If multiple target bundles are enabled, the type would be Media. If the target entity type cannot be determined, the type would be Entity.

Most field item types resolve to a sensible scalar value. However, some do not, such as the address field, which contains properties for different address parts like locality or postalCode.

For these cases, the value field type is always the corresponding FieldItemType, such as FieldItemTypeAddress:

type TaxonomyTermLocation implements Entity & EntityLinkable & TaxonomyTerm {
  fieldAddress: FieldItemTypeAddress
  fieldAddressRawField: FieldItemListAddress

type FieldItemTypeAddress implements FieldItemType {
  additionalName: String
  addressLine1: String
  addressLine2: String
  administrativeArea: String
  countryCode: String
  dependentLocality: String
  familyName: String
  givenName: String
  isEmpty: Boolean!
  langcode: String
  locality: String
  organization: String
  postalCode: String
  sortingCode: String