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Adds additional types and fields for routing.


interface InternalUrl {
  path: String!
  routeName: String!

interface EntityUrl {
  path: String!
  entity: Entity
  routeName: String!

type DefaultInternalUrl implements Url & InternalUrl {
  path: String!
  internalPath: String!
  routeName: String!

type DefaultEntityUrl implements Url & InternalUrl & EntityUrl {
  path: String!
  entity: Entity
  routeName: String!
  internalPath: String!

type EntityCanonicalUrl implements Url & InternalUrl & EntityUrl {
  path: String!
  entity: Entity
  routeName: String!
  internalPath: String!

type RedirectUrl implements Url {
  path: String!

type ExternalUrl implements Url {
  path: String!


extend type Query {
  route(path: String!): Url

How the route query field works

The field itself will try to behave as close as possible to how Drupal would when making a request. This means it will handle path aliases, redirects or set the language.

The entity field on the EntityUrl interface tries its best to find the correct entity. For paths like /node/123, this is very easy, as there is only a single ID present. This of course also works for the node's alias. And even a path like /de/node/15957/revisions/16072/view works.

The problem is for routes that are provided by contrib modules or your own code that are custom: /node/123/person/789

What would the entity be here? A Drupal controller might render a person with ID 789 here, but there is no way to know that when resolving the entity field.

The best way to solve this problem would be to not rely on the route query, but instead directly query for the person entity with ID 789.

However, there is an option to implement a custom Url type for a specific route, where you can handle the entity yourself.


Node Canonical

query {
  route(path: "/de/my-little-page") {
    ... on EntityUrl {
      entity {
  "data": {
    "route": {
      "__typename": "EntityCanonicalUrl",
      "entity": {
        "label": "My little page"


In this example the resolved value is a redirect.

query {
  route(path: "/de/node/15957") {
    ... on RedirectUrl {
  "data": {
    "route": {
      "__typename": "RedirectUrl",
      "path": "/de/my-little-page"


Revisions are supported as long as the routes follow normal Drupal conventions.

The route entity resolver looks at the route parameters and searches for one that matches ENTITY_TYPE_revision, e.g. node_revision. If it finds one, it uses the parameter value as the ID to load the entity.

query {
  route(path: "/de/node/15957/revisions/16072/view") {
    ... on DefaultEntityUrl {
      entity {
        ... on Node {
  "data": {
    "route": {
      "entity": {
        "vid": 16072