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Some entities are null when not authenticated

If you encounter the issue where certain entities are returning null when accessed without authentication, it is likely due to the entity access check returning either neutral or forbidden. To resolve this, you can follow the steps outlined in the entity access checks guide for a possible solution.

Type not found in document

If you receive an error message similar to the following:

GraphQL\Error\Error: Type "FieldItemTypeDatetime" not found in document.
in GraphQL\Utils\BuildSchema::GraphQL\Utils\{closure}()
(line 149 of /app/vendor/webonyx/graphql-php/src/Utils/BuildSchema.php).

It indicates that one of the enabled extensions is attempting to extend an interface or type that does not exist. This can occur if a field is disabled or completely removed from Drupal.

To resolve this issue, perform a search for the mentioned type within your custom extensions or the extensions provided by the module. This will help identify the extension that needs to be disabled.